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Ma'ufanga, Nuku'alofa
Mon-Fri 8:30 AM-4:30 PM

Announcing Shared Board of Directors for 2021


The Authority is currently governed by a new Shared Board of Directors for 'Transport Sector' which consisted of the:

  • Chairman: Daniel Kimball Fale
  • Deputy Chairman - Sione Talanoa Fifita
  • HSH Prince Kalaniuvalu Fotofili
  • 'Inoke Finau Vala
  • Fakahau Valu
  • Semisi Tapueluelu
  • Viliami Ma'ake



The management and operation of the Authority is under the direction of the Acting CEO; Mr. 'Alo Maileseni with the assistant of the following key personnel;

  • Mele Havea Lavemaau– Manager Corporate Services.
  • Iketau Kaufusi– Manager Infrastructure & Technical Services.
  • Halloween Kisina– Manager Operation.
  • Hakau Motu Fakapelea– Manager Marine Services and Port Master.
  • Brisbane Lokotui – Ports Security Facility Officer
  • VACANT- Risk & Compliance Manager.



  • Hits: 1636

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