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Ma'ufanga, Nuku'alofa
Mon-Fri 8:30 AM-4:30 PM

New Pilot Boat "'UNGA" and Lighting to be commissioned

22 May, 2015 |  The Ports Authority Tonga (PAT)’s Board of Directors, has approved to mark the Launching of a new Pilot Boat ‘Unga’ and the commissioning of the Vuna Wharf Lightings to be held on June 15, or at time prior to the Coronation.

 The New Pilot Boat 'UNGA'

 The new Pilot Boat 'UNGA' designed and built by Bluewater Craft(Fiji)

‘Unga was the name given to the new Pilot Boat, by His Majesty King Tupou VI.

 Last year, the Ports Authority signed an agreement between Ports Authority Tonga (PAT), the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and Fijian owned company Bluewater Craft (Fiji), in June 2014.

 The new Pilot Boat 'UNGA', is 12.7 meters in length, and measured 4.3 meters in width by 5.3 m in height (mast lowered).

 The boat has inboard engines (built in generators), which is completely different from other pilot boats in the Pacific including Fiji whose boats have outboard motors.

 Pilot boats with outboard motors have high risks of catching fire from tankers that arrive in the Port.

 The new Pilot Boat 'UNGA' designed and built by Bluewater Craft(Fiji)

The boat can travel up to 25 knots in an hour. The boat sat on a comfortable 20 knots at 50 per cent power in her first trial on April 30 in the Navua River.

 The Boat which weights approximately 6.5 tonnes, is due to be ship to Tonga on June for its commissioning as to mark the Coronation.
According to the Port Master; Mr Hakaumotu Fakapelea while he was in Fiji for the final test of the new Pilot Boat comment's on Fiji Sun Online website he said; “We have no proper pilot boat in Tonga and as the chief pilot, this is my boat and it is going to save my life. It is of good quality built under the Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji (MSAF) standard.”

 The Port Master Capt. Hakaumotu Fakapelea was accompany to Fiji by the Chief Engineer; Mr. Finau Holani for the final test of the Pilot Boat- 'UNGA. 
This Pilot boat project is solely self funded by Ports Authority Tonga. Total cost will be around TOP$1million included the costs for design and built of the new Pilot Boat 'UNGA, a new trailer for the boat and ship to Tonga.

 New Lights for Vuna Wharf

 The installation of new lighting fixtures on the Wharf, will be ideal for visiting vessels berthed overnight at the Port of Nuku’alofa.

 The newly lit wharf, is expected to be the latest attraction on the waterfront, and highlights Ports Authority Tonga’s commitment to the Coronation celebration and festivities.

 The new lighting fixtures for Vuna Wharf estimated total cost is more than $150 k, solely funded from the Ports Authority Tonga’s own budget.


Issued by the; Ports Authority Tonga, Nuku’alofa, TONGA. | B.O. Box 144, Vuna Road, Nuku’alofa, Kingdom of Tonga

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