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Ma'ufanga, Nuku'alofa
Mon-Fri 8:30 AM-4:30 PM

Ports Authority Tonga Announces Reopening of Southern Ramp at Taufa'ahau Tupou IV Domestic Wharf

Nuku'alofa, Tonga - Ports Authority Tonga is pleased to announce the completion of the modification work on the southern ramp at Taufa'ahau Tupou IV Domestic Wharf.

The temporary closure was necessary to lift the ramp to meet the requirements of local ferries such as MV 'Otumotuanga'ofa and 'Eua ferries.

The southern ramp will be reopened and available for use starting Friday, June 28th. This improvement will enhance operational efficiency and safety in the cargo operations at the Domestic Wharf. The modification work aimed to better support the ferry services and streamline the flow of cargo at the port.

Ports Authority Tonga is committed to continuously upgrading and maintaining the infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the maritime industry and facilitate smooth operations for vessels calling at the port.

For more information, please contact Ports Authority Tonga at 23168.


For media inquiries:

Mrs. Salome Feimoefiafi

Manager Human Resources, Marketing & Training

Corporate Service Division

Ports Authority Tonga

W: +676 23168 ext. 238 | M: +676 8630306 | E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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